
Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge....

I stole this 30 Day Challenge off my good friend Emily's blog...I figured it would be a good way for my bloggy friends to get to know me over the next 30 days! So each day I will post the answer to the daily question- should be fun!

Day 1 - your favorite song
Day 2 - your favorite movie
Day 3 - your favorite television program
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your dream house
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - what's in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - a dream for the future

And so it begins...

My favorite song...hmm...this is a tough one since music is such a huge part of my life! Right now I would have to say I have 3 favorite songs. Here they are, in no particular order:

1.) Highway 20 Ride - Zac Brown Band:  There are certain songs that remind me of my dad (or the relationship I wish I had with him), and this is one of those songs.

2.) Marry Me - Train:  This song makes me cry every time I listen to it. If I didn't already think it was going to be the song that a million engaged couples dance their first dance to, I would pick it for ours!

3.) Only You Can Love Me This Way - Keith Urban:  I have loved this song for, hmm, forever?!  This really is the song Matthew and I will dance to at our wedding! :) This is another song that makes me cry every time I listen to it! If ever I'm in a bad mood on my way home from work (this isn't uncommon-we'll get into my work life later), and I accidentally-might-sometimes take my frustrations out on the future hubs in text  messages during my not so good day, all I have to do is listen to this song and it puts me in a better mood, after making me feel guilty for being not nice to my sweetie.

All of these are sappy songs, but, I'm a sap. What can I say?

There you have it folks. My favorite song(s). Day one complete. Whew. That wasn't so hard!!

Earlier today something popped into my head. WE HAVE TO GET ENGAGEMENT PICTURES TAKEN IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS! Must. Start. Working. Out. NOW!  :o)

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